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November 10, 2010

Nothing much to report.  We are still here in Arlington TX enjoying 70 degree weather.  We had a great time at the Buchanan's where they hosted a pot-luck lunch.  The food was plentiful (too plentiful for my weak will-power) and just excellent.  On the downside, as of today 11 out of 15 adults plus one child came down with the flu!  As Arda was one of the nine, we have been holed up in the trailer as she recuperates.  Not a fun thing but fortunately it is/was short-lived.

We also had dinner Sunday evening with our good friend Marguerite.  She served a mean meal!  It sure if fun to see friends again.

The only other significant happening is a sad one.  My "Vecta Marketing Hat" finally hit the dust and had to be retired.  This hat was given to me by my friends at Vecta when I left there in 1988.

It has been a faithful companion over the years and has seen many miles in front of and behind a few critters...

 It will always have a special place where-ever I am...

Until next time, keep your loops open!


  1. Out of the 9 - how many had gotten flu shots? Just wondering if getting the shots helps.

  2. Not sure. I know a couple have never had one...
